Sunday, December 7, 2008

It’s all about the Sugar

The last couple of days have been pretty heavy, turbulent, I must admit.

Milk!!! Let us look at this peculiar white liquid considered by most especially in India as the Mecca of strength and nutrition. Let’s take a closer look at it. A substance that is provided by a mother, even father in some cases, with the sole aim of providing the necessary nutrition to an infant - a brand new form of life.

Nutrition apart it is used for worship, raw material for various food preparations, etc. etc. It’s such a peaceful liquid so soothing so still, unless brought to boil.
BUT!!! BUT!!! What happens to this same liquid when it curdles - got spoilt, as we so say???? Toxic and not smooth anymore, this sick yellow substance becomes harmful to any and all. It disgusts, sends one grabbing one's nose.

However, the story does not end here...Oh my God you mean there is more???? Yes, indeed a lot more...Add a bit of sugar, and flavour if desired, and heat it till it dries up and you get one of the tastiest and most yummy sweets...

LIFE, I have realised is just like this milk my friend. We all start of life at a very peaceful, innocent pace completely untouched by this world and its ilk’s. Enough has been written about the trials and trivials of life and hence would not go down that boring lane once again. We all have our own struggles and battles to fight but the point is that we all have that moment in life that leads us to that curdling, we just need to know where to get that sugar from, not complain and complain and complain. Snap! that’s it, it’s so simple...I can find the sweat...I’ll have a drink, I’ll go shopping, I’ll live life up!!

It is not about blaming the world for your ill’’s not about the politicians, the terrorists or anything else. Escape routes, for redeeming ourselves of our own failure and frustrations, that’s all they are...

Meaning!!! We all need to find our own meaning of life...Back to the very basics of life...
Who am I?? What am I?? Why am I?? What do I want to do?? Where & When can I get fulfilment??

The sugar will sort itself out...

But then again to each his self...

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