Definitely Boss, Will call you back in the next 15 minutes and give you a complete update.
That was at 11.00 am, now it is 12.15 pm and still no signs of an update forget getting another notification saying that the work is on and it would take slightly longer.
Why do people always make false commitments like this it is not just so irritating but also is a complete mockery of an individuals time, through his/her entire schedule out of gear.
Interestingly this has come from an agency that I know has not delivered on its promise and is now trying to buy time so that they do not have to confront me on the coverage or lack of coverage if i may say so.
Having spent so many years in Client Servicing the one thing I have learnt is never to lie or overstate/over-promise delivery. To the contrary it is even prudent and advisable to be realistic and understate a bit as then delivery is always better than expected and also permits the client to plan accordingly. So what if I may loose some business. A disgruntled Client is far more dangerous and harmful to one's image and hence its better to be honest and rather not have the client in the first place than promise him the world and then not deliver.
Anywayz enough of that work bit. The good news is that one of my best friends Sean is finally getting married and Minal, Evaan and I am all ready to go down to Chennai on 25th for his wedding. Am sure we will have a blast especially given the fact that will be meeting all my college pals after so long. Also this would be both Minal and Evaan's first trip to Chennai. We also plan to go down to my college. This would be the first time since I passed out that I will be going back to college and hence am really excited about it.
K now got to get back to work. Will write in soon.
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